Rotary is an organisation of Business and Professional persons united in the one goal - The Betterment of All Mankind
Rotary Conference - Eastbourne18/10/2024 - 20/10/2024
We had a fabulous time at the Conference a mix of enjoying Rotary Fellowship and some great talks in regards to the future of Rotary and how we can help to improve some of the Worlds issues and diseases.
We were also able to meet all the Scholars for this year.
AND we won the award for Club Attendance :)
Rotary President Handover - 23/06/2024
The time of the year that we are lucky enough to have one great President pass the Medallion on to the incoming President for the year of 2024/25 Kathy has been a Fantastic President for the past 2 year and we are very grateful for all the time effect and compassion that Kathy put in through her 2 Presidential years, the Medallion was passed to incoming President Kate who is going to be just as Fabulous!!
The function was also attended by

Rotary - 01/01/2023
Happy New year from Radlett Rotary hope you have a prosperous 2023
Rotary Lunch 10/10/2022
We were once again delighted to welcome Rufus the hearing dog and his very grateful owner.

Radlett's new President 2022 - 2023 - Kathy Rose
Radlett Rotary Fun Run - 02/05/2022
Again another successful Fun Run sponsored by Nagler Simmons for all race times please see their website Well done to all who took part

Rotary Lunch - 10/01/2022
President Paul wished everyone a Happy New year and Welcomed Robert Fletcher a local Preist of Aldenham to welcome the New year in. We remembered Julia and James who are members we sadly passed last year
Rotary Lunch - 21/11/20211
President Paul welcomed Stuart Nagler and Kris Endersbee from the local Police force to speak to the club. Kris spoke about his involvement with Interact in Hoddesdon and knew a bit about what Rotary does as a charity. Kris has been in the force for the past 17 Years he was talking about how much technology had changed the force and reduced crime
Rotary Lunch - 25/10/2021
This afternoon Brian Davis and Stuart Pole joined our meeting as President Paul had brought along a collection of archived memorabilia which he thought they may like to see. Ross Hopcroft of the Tabard Rugby Football club also joined us.
Rotary Lunch - 20/09/2021
We were all very much mesmerized by the talk that was given by our fellow Rotarian Kathy Rose, who spoke to us about her involvement with The St Albans and Harpenden Stroke Club this began in 1977 and Kathy has had involvement from very early on. Over the years the Stroke club has supported many Stroke survivors and their families.
We were also very pleased that Carol Sennett graced us with a brief resume of her life and career as a BBC TV documentary maker and a member of the Royal College of Music as a Flautist, also a Graduate of Oxford University. We are delighted to have Carol as a member of our Club
Rotary Lunch - 13/09/2021
We enjoyed a fellowship meeting this week President Paul reported that a good day had been had by all at the fete held in Radlett, it was also noted that the Fun Run would in fact go ahead on the 3rd of May 2022
Rotary Lunch - 06/09/2021
Anne Beatty was kind enough to speak to us about the Sinnott foundation, they have many projects including Solar Radio lamps, Positive periods where they help females learn about periods and washable reusable sanitary wear and they also lead sessions on mental health with breathing strategies
Rotary Lunch - 16/03/2020
What a lovely afternoon was had by all, Diane Graham from the Children's Trust came and spoke to us about what they do and the amount of Children they help and have helped over the years. We were proud to present them with a cheque to help towards the costs of the Running of this wonderful charity

Rotary Update - 19/03/2020
Due to the govenment guidlines regarding Corona Virus (COVID-19) we are postponing our weekly meetings with immediate effect until further notice
Rotary Lunch - 09/03/2020
We had a great meeting today and was joined by Clive Glover and Kerry Cobb from Radio Verulam St Albans established 1995 - 92.6fm.

Rotary Lunch - 10/02/2020
We had a lovely meeting today, our very own Chris Parker gave a very interesting talk on his travels by can 50 years ago, we all thoroughly enjoyed hearing about his many adventures around the Globe.

Rotary - Youth Makes Music - 03/03/2020
What a lovely evening was had listening to some very talented mostly local youth.
Rotary Lunch - 07/01/2020
Happy New Year! What a lovely New Years message from Daniel McCarthy from St Martins Church, Shenley. Thanks Daniel.
Rotary Christmas Lunch - 16/12/2019
What a lovely festive meeting, with too many members and partners to mention getting into the Christmas spirit with a lovely meal.

Rotary Lunch - 09/12/2019
Such a lovely meeting this week, we welcomed Liz Avenat and Rufus the dog from the Hearing dogs. Liz gave us a fantastic talkand demonstration on hearing dogs.
Rotary Ring pull Collection
We have been collecting Ring pulls from cans in order to raise money, please see the pictures below to see what has been made from the ring pulls and the sales have generated amazing funds for the Charity.
Pictures to follow

Rotary Lunch - 18/11/2019
Lovely lunchtime meeting with our very own Paul Senett talking to us about his travels around the English Coastline with his wife Carol. They have only 300 miles left to complete walking the English coastline! What an amazing experience
Rotary Sausage and Mash Evening - 11/11/2019
Radlett held a lovely Bangers and Mash evening, where we were please to welcome lots of visitors and partners of Rotarian's. We also heard a wonderful talk from Hertfordshire Boat Rescue, which many of us didn't know how much they are needed for Hertfordshire and when crisis arises in any part of the UK all run and maintained by Volunteers.

Rotary Remembers 10/11/2019
Radlett Rotary paid respect for all the fallen soldiers at the Memorial pins of Radlett, Aldenham and Shenley by laying a wreath.
Rotary Lunch - 21/10/2019
We welcomed our fellow Chris Parker's friend Francoise Thys who spoke about her family and how they survived through the war.

Rotary Lunch - 30/09/2019
This week Fellow Paul Sennett spoke to us about being apart of the local patients group, how to book appointments in a timely manner and not to waste appointment times. He was joined by his wife Carol who we welcomed warmly.
Rotary Lunch - 08/07/2019
Lovely lunchtime meeting with our fellow James talking to us about Jute, which is much more interesting then it first came across.
Rotary Lunch - 01/07/2019
Was a lovely meeting, we saw our now Past President Clive hand over to our now, President David Rose.
Rotary - Presidents Evening - 24/06/2019
A lovely evening was had by all for President Clive's evening at Porters Park Golf Club as we enjoyed a lovely meal with Louis as our Pianist and Vocal Jaydene.
Rotary - Rotary Lunch - 17/06/2019
Lovely talk from John Prior about Maulven and the Maulvern water cure, was very informational.
Rotary - Radlett Festival - 09/06/2019
To those of you that attended Radlett Festival Thank You very much for your support.
I think you should know that with Harry’s, Paul’s and Pat’s support we raised £125-00 for Rotary Charities.
We had some serious enquiries re membership.
All in all a worthwhile endeavour and good fellowship and a superb contribution by our new members!

Rotary Lunch 03/06/2019
Great meeting once again a lunch enjoyed by all, Adrian attended this week and spoke to us about Memberships and End Polio Now, this is an ongoing project and this campaign will stay in place until the last case of Polio has been radiated and the World is Polio free for 3 years.

Rotary Lunch - 20/05/2019
Lunch was enjoyed by all with a lovely life talk from incoming President David Rose joined with the AGM

Rotary - FUN RUN - 05/05/2019
What an amazing and successful day was had by all, Thank you to all who was able to give their time to raise money for such a good cause.
Rotary Lunch - 25/03/2019
An enjoyable Lunch was had by all with a member of Luton North Rotary speaking about all the Global grants that are available to take part in. Think of the outcomes, not the work involved.
Rotary Race Night - 29/03/2019
A great evening was had by all, this is a great social event and the bonus is we raised over £900

Rotary Lunch - 04/03/2019
We were very excited to welcome Paul Barnes to our Rotary Lunch today, He gave us a very interesting talk on Tanzania and all of the great charity works he does in the area. It lovely to hear about all the positive change.
Rotary Scholars Evening - 18/02/2019
We were delighted to hold another successful Scholars evening. Organised fantastically by Kate and her Team, with a special thanks to her husband John.

Rotary Lunch - 11/02/2019
What a lovely meeting today welcomed our fellow neighbouring club The Studio Rotary Club of Elstree and Borehamwood. We had a lovely afternoon enjoying great fellowship.
Rotary Lunch 28/01/2019
This afternoon we were pleased to have Speaker Alfred Fisher who spoke to us about stain Glass Windows, the craftsmanship and the design side. He personally found this line of work exciting and fun being on the creating side of this.
Photos to follow
Rotary Lunch - 21/01/2019
This afternoon we had James Carron who works for Channel4 he was able to teach us some interesting facts about the channel, from when it first aired in November 1982 with the popular Countdown being its first show. This show still shows today! Thank you James for being such an interesting speaker.

Rotary Lunch - 14/01/2019
We were pleased to Welcome our Global Scholar Yuki Kuwarara to speak to us this afternoon.
He spoke to us about the reasons he wanted to become a doctor from a young age, Working in different countries and different Hospitals all over the world to gain more experience. He is now studying at Kings College, London on the Rotary Global Scholars programme. It is fortunate that Yuki has been able to bring his lovely wife and 2 girls to experience London and the UK.

Rotary Lunch 07/01/2019
Welcome back to our fellow Rotarians wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous 2019
Rotary Lunch 10/12/2018
Today we had the privilege of hearing poems written by ladies from World War 1. Meeting was enjoyed by all.

Rotary Remember - 11/11/2018
Was lovely to remember the Fallen Soldiers,Clive, David and Julia laid wreaths on behalf of Radlett Rotary at Radlett, Shenley and Letchmore Heath. Pictures from Shenley.

Rotary Lunch - 08/10/2018
We were pleased to welcome Trevor Johnsonfrom Epping Rotary Club to speak to us about Health and Hunger.
Diseas, prevention and treatment. Rotary has accomplished so much!
T - together
E- Everybody can
A - achieve
M - More

Rotary Lunch - 17/09/2018
On September Ryan Conliffe came to speak to us on the subject of Drones.
Ryan gave us a facinating insight about Drones. He brought along a wide range of Drones differing in size and cost. He demonstrated a small drone which he flew above us expertly controlled.
They are used for photographs, by the Military , by amateurs and very useful in searching for people, lost pets and viewing historic sights to name a few of their uses. There are srtict regulations as to where they can be flown
Ryan had us all captivated during his talk and it was great to see the interest and passion he has for his subject.
Rotary Lunch - 16/07/2018
Today we welcomed Reverend Canon Javaid Igbal

Ambitious About Autism - 18/06/2018
Cheque presented to Ambitious about Autism 18 June 2018

Rotary Lunch - 30/04/2018
Ambassadorial Scholar, enjoying sharing to life experiences, which bring her to London for her Masters Degree in International Economics

Rotary Lunch - 26/03/2018
Today we welcomed Speaker Paula Masters who is a dear friend of our club.She spoke fondly of her Family History from World War 1. Great Uncles Tom who was a driver, himself and his brother both signed up on a night out in Ipswich never believing a War would happen.
Also Great Uncle Alf who was a Private and involved in the German counter attack.
Both unfortunately have no Graves as they were believed to be blown up. However they have been named on memorials.

Rotary Lunch - 18/03/2018
Today we welcomed one of our Scholars Annum Jaffer, she was originally at Medical School in Texas. When she went on to volunteer at a Refugee camp in Greece. She spoke to us about her personal opinion on how Gender Violence and sexual Violence can be used as a tactic of war. She believes that men and women are determined as property therefore demoralize the community by attacking them sexually.
She is currently looking at how to make a different infrastructure to make peace in War and human rights.
Annum will go back to Medical School and finish her course then would like to study Pediatrics and go on work for a non profit organisation.

Rotary Table Tennis - 16/03/2018
David and Simon returned glorious from the Rotary Club table-tennis singles competition
They drove to a sports centre in Barkingside and won two singles matches each which meant we had to play each other in the final.
The final consists of the best of 5 games
We both one 2 games each and in the final game it reached deuce it then became a battle with neither of us conceding so at 13 all we decided to call it quits which meant that Radlett Rotary Club won the Table-Tennis Singles Competition.

Rotary Lunch - Elstree and Borehamwood - 15/03/2018
President Clive Daley and Past President David Rose visited Elstree and Borehamwood to watch our Fellow Rotarian Sasha receive a Paul Harris award.
Rotary Lunch - 12/03/2018
We were pleased to Welcome Josh Rose this afternoon

Rotary Lunch - 26/02/2018
We welcomed Robyn Taylor from Ambitious about Autism this afternoon, Robyn is very passionate about the great work the charity strive for. They try to get society to accept autism as part of everyday life we need to increase awareness and understanding.They make sure that the people who make the policies know how important autism is. We work hand in hand with young people with autism, their parents and carers and professionals, and have been providing specialist education for children with autism since 1997, including TreeHouse School, the Rise School and Ambitious College.

Rotary Scholars Dinner - 12/02/2018
What a fantastic evening, thoroughly enjoyed by all! Thank you Kate and Graham. Also Thank you to Nigel for welcoming the Scholars.
Rotary Table Tennis - 06/02/2018
Extremely Proud of Mr David Rose and Mr Simon Pyzer WINNING the match against Epping Rotary Club

Rotary Lunch - 29/01/2018
Today we welcomed Roger Walker who is no stranger to our club! He spoke to us about a very interesting person in History, a lady called Molly Malone who was nicknamed "Typhoid Mary"
This was a lady who was born in County Tyrone in Northern Ireland, she was a cook that clearly didn't have a very good standard of hygiene. Over her working years she infected many families throughout America, moving from family to family as they became ill. She was eventually investigated to then be named a Typhoid carrier, Mary claimed she had never contracted the disease and denied all allegations. Mary was then detained and quarantined for 3 years, being released under the condition that she would not work with food again. This started with Mary getting a job as a laundress, this did not pay well so Mary decided that she would change her name and yet again work as a cook. It didn't take long before she was caught and quarantined, 6 years later Mary died of Pneumonia and even though she didn't have the disease she was indeed carrying the Typhoid bacteria in her gallbladder.

Rotary - Royal Marine Band Concert 26/01/2018
We were very much delighted to attend the Royal Marine Band Concert this year, the talent was absolutely spectacular and the event was enjoyed by all who attended

Rotary District Quiz - 18/01/2018
We were pleased to have a team of 6 taking part in this years Quiz
Kate Rudkin, Alan Bickle, Nigel Rogers, Stuart Nagler, James Jarratt and Chris Parker
We were also very well supported by other members of our club
We took the quiz in our stride and came 5th which we were happy with :)

Rotary Lunch - 15/01/2018
Lunch today was fantastic as always. We were joined today by Roger Masters who spoke to us in depth about Heroines of the Great War
Rotary Lunch - 08/01/2018
Happy New Year from us all at Rotary, we started the year with 19 of us in attendance and we would like to Thank Rev. Richard Cannon for coming to give us a fantastic New Years message.
" Do a Little, Change a lot"
Rotary Lunch - 04/12/2017
Today we welcomed our speaker Colin Smith who gave a very interesting talk about Coffee, how its picked from the berries and then how the seed is then extracted and dried out before being graded and roasted in preparation to become a great cup of Coffee.
Also we Welcomed our partners to this Afternoons meeting with a magnificent turnout.

Colin Smith Coffee Berries Coffee Beans
Rotary Lunch - 11/12/2017
Cancelled due to adverse weather
Rotary Christmas Lunch - 19/12/2017
Lovely end to the year! Great festive meeting Good Food,Great guests and Good company

Rotary Lunch - 27/11/2017
We Welcomed Roger and Paula Masters who gave us a very interesting talk about Passchendaele.
We Also welcomed Bob Collins and Hilary Smith.
Hilary Booth also gave us the great news that 30 more shoe boxes had been requested from St Johns School,Gills Hill, Radlett.

Rotary Interviews at Aldenham School
Every year we attend Aldenham School in order to prepare some of the students for real life interviews.

Rotary receive Thanks from St Johns School Radlett - 22/11/2017

The Rotary Foundation Evening - 15/11/2017
What a great evening and picking up a Certificate of apprieciation gracefully accepted by Kate, great Honor.
Rotary Bangers and Mash - 13/11/2017
What a Great evening enjoyed by all. With Caroline our Fabulous speaker updating us on the current affairs in Dubai.
In 1820 Dubai was an informal protectorate of Great Britain, in 1971 the UAE (United Arab Emirates) was founded. It wasn't until 1962 Dubai started to export oil!
With only a current population of 2.5 million and the UAE having a total population of 8 million, its amazing what they have achieved.
Dubai has some of the world biggest attractions, Having the Worlds tallest Building, Worlds Biggest Mall and the Worlds biggest sweet shop you can understand why Dubai was the 7th most visited city last year, making Dubai airport the busiest airport in the World.
Dubai is an amazing Global hub, with less than 20% natives and 120,000 Brits living in Dubai!
Dubai is a very liberal Country, they entice people to come and work (Tax Free Salary unless working for the Government).
The Vision they have had for many year has been Build it and they will come.
So far this has been true to the Countries Success.

Rotary Remembers The Fallen Soldiers - 12/11/2017

President Clive Laying a wreath in Radlett
Alan Bickle Laying a Wreath in Shenley
Radlett Community

Shenley Community
Rotary Lunch - 30/10/2017
This Afternoon we had the pleasure of Kathy Rose doing her Jobs talk, Kathy Grew up in Skegness by the Seaside living in many different locations along her life journey, she was a Hairdresser, worked in a Hospital and a Fitness instructor. Kathy also liked to volunteer at the Stroke Association in St Albans. As well as having 3 wonderful children Kathy helps often with her Grandchildren and enjoys spending time walking her Dogs.
After going into retirement, Kathy started to sell Greetings cards for a hobby, a percentage of the profits go to Charity.
Her son asked her to then help at the School he teaches at, and now Kathy does 2 days at the school enjoying looking after 4 and 5 year olds.

Rotary Conference - 20/10/2017 -22/10/2017
Thank you to all who joined us at Rotary Conference, we were able to have a nice time socially and learn more about other Rotary Sponsored Charities and events.

Rotary Lunch - 16/10/2017
This Afternoon we had the privilege to view Dick Wheeler's paintings, amazing that when he started to paint just a few short years ago he had never drawn before and was told in school that his was not artistic at all. David Rose also received his Past President Regalia

Radlett Young people get behind Rotary Shoe Box Project
This Autumn young people from Radlett Scouts, Guides and Primary Schools Newberries, St Johns Infant School and Fairfield Junior School are filling Shoe Boxes to be sent to disadvantaged children and families in many countries in Eastern Europe. The Rotary Club is celebrating a terrific response from the Local community this year!
Rotary Community - Disabled Games - 15/10/2017
David Rose, John and Linda Prior and Doreen Brown attended this event. This event was held for 40-50 disabled people living within the North London, Hertfordshire and Buckenhamshire districts. sports were arranged for team to play in various sports, including the Hearing Impaired, Vision Impaired and Wheelchair friendly games.

Rotary Lunch - 02/10/2017
We were please to welcome District Governor Micheal Hodge and Assistant Governor Scott, they spoke about all the projects that we currently do and how to show the goals we achieve.

Rotary Lunch - 18/09/2017
Today we welcomed Clive, who came to speak to us about the very interesting Seaton Jurassic Center in Devon. We also welcomed visitors Hector and Dorothy. David Rose made a wonderful choice for the dessert Island disk - Puff the Magic Dragon

Rotary Lunch - 11/09/2017
Lovely Rotary Lunch with Harry Bellack - My Jobs Talk, very interesting and lovely to know that Harry donates so much of his time to the community (and Grandchildren ;) )

Rotary Lunch - 31/07/2017
Today we welcomed the Lovely Roz Nagler, who read us some wonderful and amusing poems, costumes and voices to accompany!

Rotary Lunch - 17/07/2017
Great to have Yvonne and Fred Perry with us this afternoon, they spoke to us about the roof top Gardens all over London, from colourful, to green and sometimes used to grown herbs and some vegetables.
Rotary Lunch - 10/07/2017
Informative Lunch meeting today with speaker Ishikawa from West Japan (2 and a half hours from Tokyo), she spoke about her love for suba diving and Skiing in North Japan. Showed us some beautiful traditional clothing throughout Japan from Little Villages to Graduation.
Rotary Lunch - 03/07/2017
Today Mr David Rose hands over to President Clive A Daley. Thank you for being a wonderful President for us David for the year of 2016/2017.
Mencap sent their thanks for the money donated to them this year. Over £300 raised over the year for Water Aid!!
We congratulated Stuart Nagler once again for his MBE - 50 years community Service to Hertfordshire.
Pictures to follow
Rotary Lunch -19/06/2017
Today we had a Lovely speaker Meralaina, Japanese/ German lady from host club Tokyo. She spoke of how she moved around from Japan, Germany and USA throughout her education, and then to London for her undergraduate year. In Japan Meralaina worked as a reporter for the Japanese News, this was her inspiration, which lead her to Global Politics here in London. Meralaina is hoping to contribute peaceful living together with refugees.
We also congratulated Stuart Nagler in receiving his MBE.
Pictures to follow
Rotary Lunch - 24/04/2017
This Afternoon, our Local Vicar from the Parishes or Radlett and Shenley came to speak to us about the Problems for Women in Pakistan.
Empowering poor girls between the ages of 15-30 years by providing them with stitching training. this will make sure they can work for their families and give them a better future.
We donated a cheque for £50 towards Life Skills International

Rotary Lunch - 05/06/2017
Today we had Mike our District Governor great turnout with lots of useful information.
Update on Royal Marines Band Concert - PLEASE NOTE - 2018 Date
The Annual Royal Marines Band Concert was held on Friday January 27, 2017 at the Alban Arena in St Albans. The Band and Corps of Drums of the Royal Marines Commando Training Centre Lympstone performed in front of a full house, including the Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire and the Mayors of Hertsmere and St Albans.
This highly successful and much appreciated annual event has been held for more than 30 years. As usual it was organised by the Radlett Rotary Club and two sister Rotary clubs in St Albans (the Rotary Clubs of St Albans and St Albans Verulamium), ably and enthusiastically supported by local Sea Cadets.
The funds raised are divided equally between charities nominated by each of the organising Clubs. This year’s beneficiaries are Carers in Hertfordshire (nominated by the Radlett Club), Mercy Ships (nominated by St Albans) and the South Herts Branch of the Motor Neurone Association (nominated by St Albans Verulamium). The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity also benefitted.
Next year’s Concert will be held on Friday 26th January, 2018 at the Alban Arena. Tickets will be available from Tuesday 31 October and only from the Rotary Box Office on 0300 365 2260. Alternatively, Club Members can book tickets from our Treasurer, Doreen Browne who will make a block booking for the Club.
Rotary Lunch - 13/03/2017
Thank you for all that attended Rotary Lunch today.
John gave a fantastic talk about Coins through the Roman Family through the different decades.
27/02/2017 - Rotary Lunch
Today our Graham educated us all on his Banking career, very interesting for most. Graham started his career with Martins Bank and worked happily with them until Barclays took over in 1969, Graham met his Lovely wife Merryl whilst working within the banking industry, and he found himself moving around as different banking opportunities arose. With Graham taking a role in the Hertfordshire area and moving to a fro from different branches overtime. The banking industry has changed massively from when Graham started to now, and he had a few funny stories to tell.

20/02/2017 - Rotary Lunch
Today we had a lovely Lunch with our Club Rotarians, we were able to catch up on various upcoming events and Members updates
13/02/2017 - Rotary Scholars Dinner
Thank you to Kate, Nigel, Graham and Merryl for helping to organize such a wonderful event. Also Thank you to Helen our District Governor and all the Rotarians from various Clubs that Hosted and supported the Scholars. I think its fair to say everyone had a Great evening.

23/01/2017 - Rotary Lunch
This week our very own Dr Dick Wheeler told us how his life began, born in Southampton just before World War II, attending many Primary Schools and enjoying Cars and Cricket, Graduated and went onto Cambridge, also being a member of Kings College. Met and Married his Wife Catherine, and wanting to move away from London applied for a teaching Vacancy in a little School in Aldenham called Wall Hall, later for it to become part of the University of Hertfordshire.
Dick has been a Rotarian since 2004 he feels lucky in many ways, one of his life motos "Can not have too much Education, its something no one can ever take away from you"

06/02/2017 - Rotary Lunch
We were pleased to have Adrian Scott-Knight come to speak to us about Stock Broking and the interesting history of the the 110 London Livery Groups within London.
Very interesting and Educational to listen to some on the Inner City tradings that happened between 1963 and 1992.

16/01/2017 - Rotary Lunch
This week we were pleased to Welcome Ian AKA "The Africa Man" Ian has been an Optician for many years and in most recent years a Lecturer. But has devoted his time and effort into helping African underdeveloped|Country's with Eyesore.
Who knew that just 1 pair of glasses could so drastically change someones life?

09/01/2017 - Rotary Lunch - Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you all, hope you had a fantastic 2016 and you will have an even better 2017!
This week our Rotary President Debbie Hodge spoke to us about her life, and what helped her to become a Rotarian, Debbie's very important message to us was that you have to "Step out,to Step up" our influence can be greatly magnified. (Debbie pictured Left)
We were also pleased to Present Verity from the Girl Guides Association with the Defibrillator that we donated to them. (middle picture)
We are also Proud that we have been able to Donated another Defibrillator to Aldenham Social Club, this is on the outside of the building and therefore able for the Community to use if needed, no matter if the Club is open or not. The heater needed to keep it at the right temperature was installed by Premium Services Electrical.
12/12/2016 - Christmas Rotary Lunch
This week We were pleased to Welcome many visitors for our special Christmas Lunch, Including Helen Antoniou who proudly presented our very own, very surprised President Mr David Rose, with a personal letter from Mr John Germ for 40 years personal service to Rotary!!
We also welcomed Gemma Adams who officially joined Radlett Rotary.

05/12/2016 - Rotary Lunch
This week we Welcome back Alan Greenfield who came to speak to us about how he became a jeweler, we thoroughly enjoyed his journey from then until now, with many a bump along the way. He educated us on coins that we may have laying around that may have more then face value.

03/12/2016 - Annual Christmas Variety Show and Supper
A huge well done to our very own Julia Beynon, Roger Housechild and Doreen Browne on yet another magnificent Show, with outstanding performances enjoyed by many.
24/11/2016 - Interviews at Aldenham School
Another successful evening at Aldenham School conducting mock interviews for their 6th former's preparing for University interviews.
21/11/2016 - Rotary Lunch
We are very please that Mr Dick Wheeler has joined our Radlett Rotary, we hope he enjoys our company and we know he will be a great asset to us.
Also this week Scott Assistant District Governor came to Present us with a Rotary in London Certificate and speak to us some more about how we will be donating to the Classroom Shoe boxes, Doreen has asked us just to pick up extra stationary when we see it or if we are buying something for ourselves pick up an extra, every donation will help us towards this Charity.

14/11/2016 - Bangers and Mash Evening
Tonight was a special event, we had our Annual Bangers and Mash Evening with a very special Lady from The Woodland Trust, she explained how they formed a support group organizing walks, events and Markets for St Albans.
Hill End Farm was owned by a lady well into her 100s, it came up for sale and a group of Local people tried to buy the lady to keep it part of the wildlife in St Albans. eventually the Woodland Trust have it and are still able to have Pilgrimages at Langley Wood for Bluebells and British Wildlife for people to admire. They are please with the amazing response they have in supporting the Woodland.

Well Done to Simon and President David Rose for their wins in the Table Tennis Tournament. They beat Barnet and East Barnet in the First Round :) .
07/11/2016 - ROTARY LUNCH
Today we Welcomed District International Service Chairman, Francis Uwaechi who talked about education in his homeland of Nigeria.
31/10/2016 - ROTARY LUNCH

Richard Hill, Radlett Rotary Lunch Speaker today, Chairman of Hertfordshire Disabled Cricket Association, wonderful understanding on how cricket is shared in our Communities. Richard thanked Radlett Rotary for the cheque handed to him to further benefit Disabled Cricket.

17/10/2016 - ROTARY LUNCH
We would like to Welcome back Mr Colin Powell who returned to talk about his contribution to 'One Last Push' End Polio Now.
03/10/2016 - Message from Sylvia Cohen
Was lovely for us to receive a letter and banner from Sylvia this week, our loss is Brighton's gain.

03/10/2016 - ROTARY LUNCH
Meeting was held by our President David Rose with special guest our District Governor Helen Antoniou, who we were delighted could join us. She told us some great information, including a great book called 'Doing Good in the World' by David Forward, available to anyone worldwide from
Did you know the very first thing that Rotary ever did was raising money for a local Doctor, in order to buy him a horse so he could travel to his patients?

An excellent evening was enjoyed by 35 Rotarians, friends, partners and guests at Radlett Cricket Club celebrating the end of the Presidential year of James Jarrett
The speaker was Pat Rowley, former sports correspondent of many of the National broadsheet papers talking not only about the fact that he had received the B.E.M. but also his life as a hockey correspondent and his experiences in the Armed Services! There was no doubt that his life was interesting and people listened in rapt attention to what he had to say and the narrow escapes which he experienced around the World. We were fortunate to obtain the services of not only an excellent speaker but someone who has had a very varied and interesting life, but as an Old Aldenhamians, like the outgoing President, It is worthwhile noting that the School has produced many dynamic people over a number of years!
Floral presentations were also made to Doreen Browne and Julia Beynon for the excellent assistance and support given to me during my year in office.
The evening was concluded by awarding a Paul Harris Fellowship to Alan Bickle for services to Radlett Rotary Club over many years and as the meeting closed the new President, David Rose, was presented with his collar of office by outgoing President James Jarrett.
Jim Jarrett (now Past President)
Sunday 26th June 2016
Setting up our display including Shelter box contents for Radlett festival

Sunday 26th June 2016
Presentation of flowers to our secretary Julia Beynon by our president James Jarrett

Thursday 12th May
Twelfth Night a Shakespear Play, Charity Night went very well, we had a great time, the actresses were outanding playing both male and female parts.
Monday 22nd February
President James reports:-
We were fortunate that Brian Linnegar, the Treasurer of 30 years standing, with the Watford and Bushey branch of PHAB (Physically Handicapped and Able Bodied Club) was able to join us for lunch. This Club has been based in Bushey and Watford for over 30 years and currently has around 30 members. The membership is balanced between those who are in need of assistance and fully active personnel. The activities which the Club performs covers disabled sports and visits to artistic venues and activities.
I am pleased that we are supporting a local charity as so often in the past we have found it difficult to support local organisations which need our help and financial assistance.
As soon as the accounts for the Band Concert, which is our main fund raising activity, are finalised, a return visit will be made by Brian Linnegar so that we can present to him the cheque to support his very active and worthwhile organisation.
Monday 1st February
President James welcomed eighteen members and two visitors to our Rotary lunch meeting today, Holly Worthington rom My Radlett News, a guest of President Elect David Rose and Christopher Treeves-Brown, a guest of President James.
There was no "official" speaker today, but Rotarian Hilary Booth gave a talk, illustrated by slides to the members and guests on her recent Southbound Voyage to Australia. The highlights included releasing a baby turtle into the Pacific Ocean on a turtle beach near Acapulco, Mexico and swimming with small sharks and stingrays in the lagoon surrounding the French Polynesian island of Bora Bora.
The audience was fascinated by her description of the transit of the Panama Canal which had been the main reason for choosing this particular voyage. She gave a brief outline of the history of the canal which was started by the French in the 19th century under the auspices of Ferdinand De Lesseps who built the Suez Canal. The French had to abandon the project as the terrain was so difficult with dense forest full of venomous snakes, insects and spiders. The work force also died of yellow fever and malaria and they were losing 200 workers a month.
The Americans took over in 1904 and spent 10 years digging the canal which opened in 1914 just before the outbreak of the 1st World War. Now the canal is operated by a Panamanian Government Company and with the installation of lights, the two channels are working continuously 24 hours a day throughout the year.
Many large container ships are built to meet the size of the locks and are called Panamax ships. It takes 6-8 hours to transit the 48 miles of the canal and the ships are hauled by special trains working in parallel, one on either side of the locks joined to the ships by steel hawsers. Many hundreds of cargo ships have to wait for transit anchored off each end of the canal and cruise ships which pay a higher premium have priority. A new wider canal to take bigger ships is in the process of construction and should open in 2016. The talk was followed by a lively question and answer session.
Our picture below, shows James and Hilary, plus a slide of the ship about to enter the canal.
Friday 29th January Annual Royal Marine Band Concert
On the 29th January 2016 the Rotary Club of Radlett, (District 1130) and the Rotary Clubs of the Rotary Clubs of St Albans and St Albans, Verulamium, (District 1260) staged their 32nd Royal Marines Band Concert at The Alban Arena.
Radlett Past President Tony Alexander, in his third year of comparing this event, opened the evening by welcoming The Band of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines, Collingwood, under the direction of Major Jon Ridley and WO2 Nev Dednum, on behalf of the Rotary Clubs of Radlett, St Albans and St Albans Verulamium, plus welcomed everyone present to the concert.
Tony made special mention of our guests, Vice Lord Lieutenant, Lionel Wallace, The Mayor of St Albans, Councillor Salih Gaygusuz , The Mayor of Hertsmere, Councillor Martin Worster, Rotary District Governors Toni Finkel & Prue Dixon, together with representatives from our chosen charities P H A D, Earthworks, St Francis Hospice Berkhamsted and Help for Hero’s.
Without further ado, Tony handed over to Major Ridley, for the first part of the concert, which opened with the Wiener Philharmoniker Fanfare, followed by The Wellington March, Luftwaffe, Candide, Carmen Fantasia, an amazing saxophone and guitar duet called Tears in Heaven, culminating for the end of part one, with the band playing The Sword and the Crown.
Part two opened with an amazing Star Wars compilation, then an arrangement of The Beatles classics, then The Prayer, and to finish, the more than emotive and rousing March to the Scaffold before the raffle.
Tony once again welcomed on stage our hard working Treasurer Doreen Browne, who told the audience that receipts this year were in the region of £2,000.00 and then Major Ridley drew the winning tickets for a Eurostar City Break for two to Paris, (not a Euro Strip for two, to Paris as announced!), second prize, A Gourmet Dinner for two at Sopwell House complete with Sommelier choice wine, Third prize a Battlers green Food Hamper and finally the fourth prize of two free tickets to next year’s concert, plus access to the VIP lounge beforehand.
Tony thanked all those concerned for putting on another successful concert, with mention that Friday 27th January 2017 is the next concert, with the box office opening on 25th October 2016; he then handed back to Major Ridley, where a re-enactment of the Battle of Trafalgar was staged, followed by A Life on the Ocean Waves and many choruses of Rule Britannia; then it was over for another year!
Thank you Major Jon Ridley, WO2 Nev Dednum and The Band of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines, Collingwood from us all!
Monday 25th January
President James welcomed eighteen members to our Fellowship lunch meeting today; club host Paul Benton, was also welcomed back.
President James thanked Rotatian Hilary Booth for her hospitality at her home the previous Saturday, where she had organised a cloths collection on behalf of Rotary for the victims of Chernobyl.
Monday 18th January
President James welcomed as our special guest today, Paul Moser, Chairman of the Hertsmere Branch of Mencap.
Hertsmere Mencap Branch is celebrating 50 years of progress and Paul gave a detailed account of what has been achived during this time for those less fortuante and who suffer from learning disabilities.
Following a question and answer session Paul distributed brochures about the work undertaken by Hertsmere Mencap and further information can be obtained from their web site at
President James & Paul Moser
Monday 11th January 2016
President James Jarrett recently reurned from his trip to Dubai, welcomed fourteen members to our lunch today, plus our speaker Simon Chapman, Chaplain at Aldenham School, previously Simon was an RAF Chaplain serving in Afghanistan.
Simon's talk was of the highest quality and a full report will be added in due course.
Chaplain Simon Chapman & President James
Monday 4th January 2016
No meetings were held between Christmas and New Year and with President James Jarrett away, our President Elect, David Rose, took the chair.
We were extremely fortunate to have as a speaker Lawrence Stack, who talked to us about Defibrillators and their use in emergencies.
Lawrence, "Patient" and David!
Monday 21st December
Members of Radlett Rotary Club, together with menbers of our "Mother Club" from Elstree and Borehamwood, enjoyed a splendid repast prepared by our resident chefs Gail, Kirstie, Carole and Mia, which was a suberb meal as follows:-
Prawn cocktail or tomato soup
Roast turkey
Spinach and mozzarella parcel
Pigs in blanketsStuffing ballsCauliflower cheese/carrots
Roast parsnips/Brussel sprouts
Roast and new potatoes
Gravy, cranberry sauce.
Christmas pudding, mince pies cream or brandy sauce
Not content with enhancing our waist lines, this was follwed by cheese and biscuits!!
All thanks to the Aldenham Social Club team for looking after us in such a splendid manner!
Merry Christmas! The Aldenham "Team" with James!
Monday 14th December
VOCATIONAL SERVICE SPEAKER - Report by President James Jarrett
At our lunchtime meeting on 14th December, 2015 our visiting speaker was Judi Stockwell, who is the Chairperson of Vocational Service in District 1130.
The subject of ‘Vocation’ has lead a checkered history as, once upon a time, it was a Rotary Service Committee in it own right and then it became incorporated into Community Service and now it has become a Vocational Service Committee under its own organization again.
Judi explained the objects of Vocations Service in that our business abilities should be used to help less fortunate and less organized people to learn something from our experience over many years in business. She illustrated the talk of being in India and giving information to people as to how they could organize their lives. It would be a similar aspect to our involvement with mock interviews with Aldenham School, utilizing the Rotarians commercial abilities in Radlett to interview and help students in their student and business life in future.
From what she said it was evident that we are well in tune with the ideals of Vocational Service as we do a lot of activities that come under the banner of Vocational Service.
President James & Judi Stockwell
Monday 7th December
An active Business Meeting was held at it was noted that the Christmas lunch would be charged at £20.00, but this would not include wine.
The President has made some progress with the Purcell School and it has been agreed that we will send them a new cheque but this will be delivered in person and a receipt signature will be obtained on its delivery.
DB announced that the Trust Fund is in a healthy state with £737.00 from the Bangers and Mash evening. Another successful event, with a good profit for the Club.
AB announced that speakers have been set up until end 2015 and that the Rev. Simon Chapman, Chaplain to Aldenham School, will be giving the New Year Message on 11th January 2016.
AB is also concerned about the drive for new members as we do need to increase our numbers and Clive Daly suggested that we should could contact Around Radlett and Radlett News to see is an article about Rotary would stimulate interest from an article in their publications. Action for this will be by David Rose.
Community Service. Dictionaries for Life
Elstree and Borehamwood R.C have been involved with the Clore Shalom and Shenley School for some years so it would seem sensible for our involvement with these two schools to be replaced by other schools. At the present moment the Club is looking into Jewish Free School and Edge Grove. JWJ has already made contact with Edge Grove and interest has been shown by them to be involved with the receipt of dictionaries.
The annual mock interviews at Aldenham School were very successful and it has been suggested that JP should invite Bob Collins and Hilary Smith to luncheon in early 2016.
Foundation and Youth.
KR has been in touch with Radlett Lodge School regarding ‘Kids Out’, which is scheduled for 8th June 2016. This is actually their half term so there may be a smaller number of pupils taking part next summer.
The shoe boxes have been collected by Clive Daly and delivered to St. Albans Cathedral.
Arrangements for the Foundation Scholars Dinner are well under way and KR is happy with the general arrangements of this event which will take place at Radlett Cricket Club.
Fund Raising
CD will make enquiries with regard to the St. Albans Cycle Ride and trying to increase the return that we get for the volunteers which we give to them for organising this event.
CD has suggested that another Purcell School concert should be arranged and that contact will be made by Hilary Booth on her return from Australia to put this matter in hand.
CD will also make enquiries regarding a trip to the Abbey Theatre. In the past we have shared the evening with another charity but we usually have to sell about 100 tickets.
It is early days to make constructive comments about the Fun Run but SP has arrangements well in hand and this will be discussed at the next Business meeting.
With regard to a possible golf day,, CD to discuss this with Tony Alexander. Could this be a joint event with other local Rotary Clubs?
Any Other Business
JWJ has a contact with a Syrian refugee who is also a polio victim and he is coming to London in February so the idea would be to ascertain whether he would come to talk to the Club at that time of year. More information in January 2016.
Next Council meeting - 1st February 2016 at 8pm at 21 Gills Hill, Radlett.
Variety show on Saturday 5 December 2015
Report by President James Jarrett
The full house at St. Johns Church hall in Gills Hill Lane thoroughly enjoyed the evening of songs, recitations, comedy & individual musical performances, as well as the excellent two course meal.
Congratulations must be given to Julia Beynon for organising the event from arranging the programme & overseeing the catering arrangements. We also give our grateful thanks to all our performing artists, not forgetting Gary Ayre who was providing the accompaning music on the piano for the whole evening.
There was a big performance from input Radlett Rotarians with singing from from Julia, recitations from Sylvia Cohen, classical guitar solos from John Rudlin as well as Nigel Rogers singing songs from operas.& famous musicals.
To conclude the evening the whole cast sang 'The Holy City' by Stephen Adams, which brought back memories of when Nigel Rogers used to it at the old Christmas carols evenings in the Radlett Centre.
The Master of Ceremonies for the whole evening was, as in past years, Ian Sutherland, who enhanced the evening with his Edwardian Music Hall expertise!
Let us hope that we can have another Variety show next December, which will be our forth one so raising money for our Rotary club & St. John the Baptist Church in Aldenham.

Monday 23rd May
Reported by David Rose - President
Rotary Club Radlett had a speaker today from Careers In Hertfordshire. Linda Cudmore and her presentation regarding the plight of unrecognised careers was excellent. It made us aware of the huge number of those caring for members of their families and others and the massive impact it can make on their lives be they old or young.
Apart from the money given to the charity from the "Twelfth Night" play at the Abbey Theatre, St Albans. I have decided to make it my particular charity of choice for my presidential year.
I should add that I believe the members present today were equally impressed by her description of some of the problems encountered by this army of caring people.