Nagler Simmons Radlett Rotary
Five Fields Fun Runs
Tabard Rugby Club Grounds, Radlett, off Cobden Hill (A5183), WD7 7JN
10:00 am, Monday 5th May 2025 (May Day Bank Holiday)

Event sponsored by Nagler Simmons
Chartered Accountants and Business Advisors
The event comprises of 2 fun runs. There will be a shorter run of 1.5km starting at 10:00 am around the rugby club ground and the Rose Field for anyone under the age of 11. This will be followed at 10:30 am by a longer run of 5km run for those aged 7 and over, which also involves running round one of the cricket pitches, the Picnic Field, and Salters Field. Both events are completely off-road.
Advance entries are £6 for the 1.5km event and £12 for the 5km. For late registration on the day please ensure you arrive early and please note that we will be asking for £2 more for each entry.
There will be medals for all finishers, and trophies for the winning boy
and winning girl in the 1.5km event. For the 5km event, there will also
be trophies for the first under 12s, under 16s, veterans (over 45/60)
and for the winning team (of 4 runners).
There will be a jazz band, "Carmel Jazz", for music lovers and
inflatables for the youngsters (courtesy of Keen Bean Sport)
Please complete one online form for each runner by hitting the "Register Now" button, and then you can pay for all entries together. Team entries (of 4) must be registered in advance of the day and should all be received together please.
On-line check-in closes midnight Saturday 3 May
Entries accepted on the day, but please arrive early
Alternatively, you can download an entry form here and post it, together with a cheque.
Please click here to see the route of the 1.5 km event, and for the 5 km event please click here
Donations to our nominated charity would be gratefully received. Hertsmere Mencap works with people with a learning disabilities to change laws, challenge prejudice and support them to live their lives as they choose. For more information, please click here, and to download a sponsorship form, please click here.
Last year's results can be found on the web site of Nagler Simmons - click here
For any enquiries, please contact us at
Thanks to Tabard Rugby Football Club for the use of their facilities and also to Aldenham Parish Council for all their support. And also of course to Tom for his help with this on-line facility.